anybody have a CGIXMLRPCRequestHandler example?

Chris Curvey ccurvey at
Mon May 2 13:12:38 EDT 2005

here's the simple example, for posterity

import os
import SimpleXMLRPCServer

class Foo:
    def settings(self):
        return os.environ
    def echo(self, something):
        return something
    def greeting(self, name):
        return "hello, " + name

handler = SimpleXMLRPCServer.CGIXMLRPCRequestHandler()

and here's an example of the client that has to speak with it.  My
mistake was trying to call the server thru a web browser.  The
"textcall" shows you the format of the incoming request (which I
suppose I could have built by hand by reading the spec).

import xmlrpclib

server = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy("")

yoonikode = u'Sacr\xe9 Bleu'
tup = tuple([yoonikode])
print tup
textcall = xmlrpclib.dumps(tup,("server.echo"))
print textcall
print server.echo("hi")
print server.greeting("dilbert")
print server.greeting(yoonikode)

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