What are OOP's Jargons and Complexities?

Andreas Rottmann a.rottmann at gmx.at
Tue May 24 07:39:14 EDT 2005

Wibble <Wibble at Mailinator.com> writes:

> Java or even C is more strongly typed than lisp or tcl which
> dont really have a concept of a typed variable.
> Lisp only does runtime type checking unless you do wierd
> unnatural things.
You get terminology totally wrong here. As already said, Lisp is
stronger typed than C, but C is statically typed, whereas Lisp is
dynamically typed. In Lisp (or Scheme), all variables have types:

(define foo #(1 2 3))
(vector? foo) => #t
(boolean? foo) => #t

See http://cliki.tunes.org/Type%20System.

Andreas Rottmann         | Rotty at ICQ      | 118634484 at ICQ | a.rottmann at gmx.at
http://yi.org/rotty      | GnuPG Key: http://yi.org/rotty/gpg.asc
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