Python as client-side browser script language

Rune Strand rune.strand at
Tue May 31 17:54:32 EDT 2005

What would it take to create a Firefox extension that enables Python as
a script language in the browser - just like Javascript? Is it at all
possible? Are the hundred good reasons not to bother?

I once made an application that used MozPython[1]. It was fun and very
fast compared to the Mod_Python I eventually replaced it with. I had
to, because of all the mess updating Mozilla caused. ActiveState has a
project too [2]. But none of these can replace Javascript

Grail used Python as scrpt language, I believe. And by the
Win32-wonders of Mr. Hammeond it's possible to use Python in IE. But
what aboit a easy-to-install extension for Firefox? Wouldn't that be


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