wxTextCtrl problem

austin austin at maxtronic.com.tw
Mon May 30 23:51:58 EDT 2005

I produced 5 wxTextCtrl.
My program is to let the user enter the serial number.
Each wxTextCtrl has 4 maxlength.
My ideal is
if the user enter 4 digits on first wxTextCtrl, and the program will move
the cursor to the second wxTextCtrl.
I checked the wxTextCtrl::SetInsertingPoint.
But this function is only move on itself.
For exammple,



self.tctrl_1 = wxTextCtrl(......)
self.tctrl_2 = wxTextCtrl(......)



def OnTextProcessing_1(self,evt):
 if len(evt.GetString())==4:


The code "self.tctrl_2.SetInsertingPoint(0)" doesn't work.
But if i change to "self.tctrl_1..." works fine.

So what's problem?

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