min max of a list

querypk at gmail.com querypk at gmail.com
Fri May 6 12:26:45 EDT 2005

Hi Steve!
I am not sure if I was clear with my previous post .Ok let me rephrase
it .

Assume the values list is the
content of a histogram. Then we see that
values = [  0,  72,   2,   4,   9,   2,   0,   0,  42,  26,   0, 282,
23,   0, 101, 0,   0,   0,   0,   0]

 1 is repeated 72 times, 3 -> 4 times and so on. That is the index
would be the value repeated as many times as in the list.
Now If we find the max and look for the adjcent index.

That is if we plot the above list as a histogram. We will have crests
and troughs ie peaks and dips. if we find two dips then the region
between the two dips could be a range like [0,  72,   2] .So here we
are not looking for a zero. But if we find dips then we consider the
regions between it as a bin and group it.

|       /\
|  /\  /  \  /\
| /  \/    \/  \
    1    2    3

so pictorially. In the above plot. If y axis is the list above. then we
need to bin it this way.
If I use you previous approach using the groupby then all these three
regions will be considered as one.

Hope I am clear this time.

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