Parsing a Python dictionary inside a Python extension

quadric at quadric at
Fri May 27 17:38:23 EDT 2005


I would like to pass a dictionary from my Python code to my Python 
extension, extract
various values from the dictionary (from within the extension) , modify the 
values for the
relevant keys and return the modified dictionary to Python.

Can someone point me to an example of what the C code might look like to do 

I tried something like this and it has not worked.

static PyObject *  ModifyDictionary( PyObject * self , PyObject * args )
	int atab1 = 0 , atab2 = 0;
	PyObject * vdict  = NULL;
	PyObject * item  = NULL;
	PyObject * ndict = NULL;

	PyArg_ParseTuple( args , "O" , & vdict );

	if ( (item = PyDict_GetItemString( vdict , "atab1")) != NULL 
)   PyArg_ParseTuple( item , "i" , &atab1   );
	if ( (item = PyDict_GetItemString( vdict , "atab2")) != NULL 
)   PyArg_ParseTuple( item , "i" , &atab2   );

	// modify values here and rebuild the dictionary
	//  ndict = Py_BuildValue( ........create dictionary here ..........)

	return ndict ;

Can someone tell me where I am going wrong or point me to an example?

Thanks for your help.

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