stop a thread safetely

Zunbeltz Izaola zunbeltz at
Fri May 13 10:47:34 EDT 2005

On Fri, 13 May 2005 09:10:13 -0400, Peter Hansen wrote:

> How did you intend to stop the thread in a manner which might be unsafe?
> (Hint, unless you're doing something unusual, you can't.)

I have a threaded object (Mythread). It checks if want_thread
variable is True to return. The problem is that this object 
execute a function that is a tcp comunication

    def Client(self,Request,Answer):
        totalsent = 0
        while totalsent < 608:
            sent = self.sock.send(Request.struct2string()[totalsent:])
            if sent == 0:
                raise RuntimeError, "socket broken"
            totalsent = totalsent + sent

        if Request.Codigo != 37:
        data = self.sock.recv(608)
        if int(Answer.Param[9]) != 37:

The Client function send a Request (them write it in a log file),
gets and answer and and write it. The problem is that when i stop
the thread a get somethime the Request writed but not the answer,
as if the funciton Client returns before it ends.


> -Peter

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