a cx_Oracle ORA-01036 problem

vincent wehren vincent at visualtrans.de
Thu May 5 10:33:39 EDT 2005

"Damjan" <gdamjan at gmail.com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
news:427a2b39_2 at x-privat.org...
| I'm using Python 2.4, cx_Oracle-4.1 on Linux with Oracle instant client
| This is the sql string:
| SQL = """insert into D.D_NOTIFY values (:CARDREF, :BANKKEY, :OK1, :OK2 \
|        :DEBTEUR, :DEBTDEN, to_date(:INVOICE_DATE,'DD.MM.YY'),
|        to_date(:PAYMENT_DEADLINE,'DD.MM.YY'), :POINTS)"""
| And I'm trying to execute it as:
|        c = db.cursor()
|        c.execute(SQL, CARDREF=id, BANKKEY=dc_kluc, OK1=okd, OK2=okc,
|          DEBTEUR=iznos_eur, DEBTDEN=iznos_mkd, INVOICE_DATE=datum_g,
|          PAYMENT_DEADLINE=datum_d, POINTS=bodovi)

| And I get an ORA-01036 exception.
| I also have tried
|        args = dict(CARDREF=id, BANKKEY=dc_kluc, OK1=okd, OK2=okc,
|          DEBTEUR=iznos_eur, DEBTDEN=iznos_mkd, INVOICE_DATE=datum_g,
|          PAYMENT_DEADLINE=datum_d, POINTS=bodovi)
|        c = db.cursor()
|        c.execute(SQL, **args)

Shouldn't that be c.execute(SQL, args) (no **-unpacking of the dictionary)?


Vincent Wehren

| Same thing.
| Everything works If I use python string substituion, like this sql:
| SQL = """insert into D.D_NOTIFY values (%s,'%s','%s','%s','%s','%s', \
|        to_date('%s','DD.MM.YY'),to_date('%s','DD.MM.YY'),'%s')""" % fields
| Any ideas?
| -- 
| damjan 

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