Python interpreter in Basic or a Python-2-Basic translator.

Jeremy Bowers jerf at
Sun May 1 18:16:12 EDT 2005

On Sun, 01 May 2005 06:18:27 -0700, Engineer wrote:
> The security 'droids have decided that since the MS Office Suite is a
> "standard" application then software written in MS Office VBA must be
> "safe."

"Melissa". (Google hint: "Virus".)

Given the brazen stupidity demonstrated by these decision makers in the
face of *internationally newsworthy* plain facts to the contrary,
this may be a "brush up the resume" situation. Life's short.

Good luck.

More constructively, see if you can convince your VBA installation to run
on Javascript(/Jscript) instead of Visual Basic. While it has some
annoyances next to Python, by and large it should be a much more tolerable
choice. It's not Python, but it's surprisingly close in a lot of ways.

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