Webbrowser On Windows

M.E.Farmer mefjr75 at hotmail.com
Sun May 1 18:01:21 EDT 2005

Hello Andrea,
I have played around for a few seconds and have a few suggestions.
The code is a little baffling it appears that there is no way to do
that on windows.
I have looked into Internet Explorer and have found that there is an
option in  Internet Explorer that controls this.
In Internet Explorer ( some things may have changed or be slightly
diffrent in your version ):
open I.E. -> goto top toolbar and click:
Tools->Internet Options->Browsing->Reuse windows for launching
Uncheck that option and you should be able to just os.startfile or
webrowser and have it open a new window.
Have not looked into it but you can probably do this easily with
win32api .
Search MSDN and then translate that into win32api for Python.

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