BitKeeper for Python?

Jp Calderone exarkun at
Mon May 2 10:12:38 EDT 2005

On 02 May 2005 09:30:05 GMT, Nick Craig-Wood <nick at> wrote:
>John Smith <not at> wrote:
>>  I am going to be working with some people on a project that is going to be
>>  done over the internet. I am looking for a good method of keeping everyone's
>>  code up to date and have everyone be able to access all the code including
>>  all the changes and be able to determine what parts of the code were
>>  changed.
>>  If it were opensource that would be even better.
>You could try Mercurial
>which aims at being a true bk replacement.  Its also written in
>python.  Its being developed at the moment...

  "Being developed at the moment" is something of an understatement.  It's less than a month old.  Less than a month old.  Compare this to such systems as CVS (more than 16 years old) and I think everyone can agree that Mercurial may need a teensy bit more work before it is interesting to people looking for an RCS.


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