dictionary comparison

rickle devrick88 at gmail.com
Thu May 5 11:19:31 EDT 2005

I'm trying to compare sun patch levels on a server to those of what sun
is recommending.  For those that aren't familiar with sun patch
numbering here is a quick run down.

A patch number shows up like this:
^^^^^^ ^^
patch#  revision

What I want to do is make a list.  I want to show what server x has
versus what sun recommends, and if the patch exists, but the revision
is different, I want to show that difference.

Here are some sample patches that sun recommends:

Here are some sample patches that server x has:

So there are some that are the same, some that sun recommends that
server x doesn't have, and some where the patch is the same but the
revision is different.

I've thrown the data into dictionaries, but I just can't seem to figure
out how I should actually compare the data and present it.  Here's what
I have so far (the split is in place because there is actually a lot
more data in the file, so I split it out so I just get the patch number
and revision).  So I end up with (for example) 116272-01, then split so
field[0] is 116272 and field[1] is 01.

def sun():
        sun = open('sun-patchlist', 'r')
        for s in sun:
                sun_fields = s.split(None, 7)
                for sun_field in sun_fields:
                        sun_field = sun_field.strip()
                sun_patch = {}
                sun_patch['number'] = sun_fields[0]
                sun_patch['rev'] = sun_fields[1]
                print sun_patch['number'], sun_patch['rev']

def serverx():
        serverx = open('serverx-patchlist', 'r')
        for p in serverx:
                serverx_fields = p.split(None, 7)
                for serverx_field in serverx_fields:
                        serverx_field = serverx_field.strip()
                serverx_patch = {}
                serverx_patch['number'] = serverx_fields[0]
                serverx_patch['rev'] = serverx_fields[1]
                print serverx_patch['number'], serverx_patch['rev']

if __name__=='__main__':

Right now I'm just printing the data, just to be sure that each
dictionary contains the correct data, which it does.  But now I need
the comparison and I just can't seem to figure it out.  I could
probably write this in perl or a shell script, but I'm trying really
hard to force myself to learn Python so I want this to be a python
script, created with only built-in modules.

Any help would be greatly appreciated,

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