Python Pseudo-Switch

James Stroud jstroud at
Sat May 7 20:36:39 EDT 2005

Hello All,

Because of my poorly designing a database, I have recently found it necessary 
to explore the wonders of the Python pseudo-switch:

do_case = { "A" : lambda x: x["bob"],
            "B" : lambda x: x["carol"],
            "C" : lambda x: "Ted",
            "D" : lambda x: do_something(x) }

my_thing = do_case[get_value_from_thin_air()](adict)

How to handle this kind of thing when lambda is removed from the language, 
beside the obvious def'ing those tiny little functions?


James Stroud
UCLA-DOE Institute for Genomics and Proteomics
Box 951570
Los Angeles, CA 90095

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