create words of various lengths

Robert Kern rkern at
Fri May 13 13:26:12 EDT 2005

superprad at wrote:
> Hi Robert,
> At first I thought it would be an interesting thing to have a little
> swift module to create a database of all words in the dictionary.

Okay, take one more step back. Why is it interesting to have such a 
dictionary? How do you intend to use it?

Having answered those questions, why is it interesting to extend this 
with meaningless collections of symbols?

No one can offer you a better method if we don't have a metric to judge 
whether a method is "better" than another.

> But
> then I thought y  just the words in the dictionary? y not all possible
> words like 'and' and 'adn'. Just was inspired with the little idea of
> if its an 'and' or 'adn' when u read it in a combination of other words
> you read it as 'and' itself.
> "nohting spceific wsa jsut plyaing around wtih ideas "

Well, that's a somewhat different problem.

Robert Kern
rkern at

"In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
  Are the graves of dreams allowed to die."
   -- Richard Harter

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