Exception question

Steven Bethard steven.bethard at gmail.com
Sun May 15 00:49:18 EDT 2005

Ron Adam wrote:
> Do exceptions that take place get stored in a stack or list someplace?
> I know I can catch the error and store it myself with,
>     except Exception, exc:
> or possibly,
>     errlist = []
>     errlist.append(sys.exc_info())
> But what I want to know is does the interpreter do that in any way?  And 
> if so, can I access it?

No, but there's been some recent talk about having it do so:


If that happens though, it's not likely to show up before Python 3.0. 
Too backwards incompatible to do now.  It also seems that the exact 
semantics haven't yet been agreed upon.


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