Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life: no one can come to the Father(God)(in Heaven), but by me." (John 14:6) This means that if you die without trusting in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour you will die in your sins and be forever separated from the love of God in a place called Hell. The Holy Bible descibes Hell as a place of eternal torment, suffering, pain and agony for all those who have rejected Jesus Christ. The good news is that you can avoid Hell by allowing Jesus Christ to save you today. Only then will you have true peace in your life knowing that no matter what happens you are on your way to Heaven. by BluWater0523 at

BluWater0523 at BluWater0523 at
Wed May 11 11:16:03 EDT 2005 << I saw this website on a search
directory. Great Resource!

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