Tkinter wrappers for TkTreeCtrl and Tile

Martin Franklin mfranklin1 at
Tue Mar 15 06:37:02 EST 2005

Harlin Seritt wrote:
> I was looking at the Tcl/Tk sourceforge page and found that there were
> a couple of new widgets being produced for Tcl 8.5. Does anyone know if
> there are any Tkinter wrappers somewhere?
> thanks,
> Harlin


I can't see the web page saying these will be included in Tk 8.5 can you
give me the URL?

As far as wrappers go, if they don't exist (and I don't think they do)
it is fairly easy to create them provided they are written in a very
similar style to 'standard' Tk widgets.  Somone usually steps up and
patches to include changes in the Tk core, but usually only 
when a new _final_ version is released...


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