Good use for Jython

Tertius Cronje Tertius.Cronje at
Wed Mar 16 03:39:11 EST 2005

> Other than being used to wrap Java classes, what other real use is
> there for Jython being that Python has many other GUI toolkits
> available? Also, these toolkits like Tkinter are so much better for
> client usage (and faster) than Swing, so what would be the advantage
> for using Jython? or Is Jython really just so that Java developers can
> write Java code faster?

Just as many on this list, my favorite development
tool/language/environment is Python. However as nice as it is, there are
many frameworks and business applications that is written and packaged
in Java (i.e. X25 comms Libraries, log4J *before* python brought out
logging) _OR_ has a Java remote interface that must be accessed (EJB
/JMS / RMI etc...) _OR_ has a library you prefer to use of over the
python implementation (not a lot of those).

Jython allows one to use these packages using ones language of choice :)

Thanks Jython

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