Using something other than ';' to separate statements

Peter Hansen peter at
Wed Mar 30 14:26:20 EST 2005

Jaime Wyant wrote:
> Well, I'm embedding python in an old C console app.  This app uses a
> lot of ; delimited records.
> I want to allow the execution of arbitrary python statements inside
> some of these records.  I was hoping there was an easy way to set the
> statement terminator.  I will simply make up a new terminator and do
> some string substitution to turn my new terminator into python's ';'.

You refer to it here as a statement terminator, but in
the first posting you called it a statement separator.
I believe it is just a separator, not a terminator, and
as such is not even required unless you need/want to have
two statements on the same line.

In all the tens of thousands of lines of Python code
I've written, I don't believe I've ever used a single
semicolon to separate two statements.

Perhaps you don't need them either...


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