ANN: Brazil organises its first PyConDayBrasil

Rodrigo Dias Arruda Senra rsenra at
Sun Mar 27 16:54:16 EST 2005

 Inspired by the PyCon tradition, the Brazilian Python Community
 is organising a PyCon-like event called: PyConDayBrasil.

 We have gathered 14 people to give speeches exclusively about
 Python in an event that will take place in April 28th/29th.

 The event's  URL is below (only in Brazilian Portuguese pt-br):

 We hope that this event will not be just a standalone happening,
 but the beginning of a tradition. Moreover, we will strive to find 
 sponsors to allow us to invite international speakers in the following

 To illustrate the scope of PyConDayBrasil, this year's program is composed by:
 - Python applications to science and  engineering (Vinicius Franco do Nascimento)
 - Molecular Alignment Analysis in Python (Frederico Gonzalez Colombo Arnoldi)
 - Python in Undergraduate Courses (Marco André Lopes Mendes)
 - Exploring Boa Constructor (Luciano Pacheco)
 - Python refreshes your thinking (Osvaldo Santana Neto)
 - Plone for Pythonistas (Fabiano "Xiru" Weimar dos Santos)
 - Python-Fu inside Gimp (Joao S. O. Bueno Calligaris)
 - The Language Boo by its Creator (Rodrigo "Bamboo"  de Oliveira)
 - Zope 3: Reality or myth  (Luciano Ramalho)
 - Python Game Programming (Gustavo Barbieri)
 - Advanced CMF and Plone Development (Jean Rodrigo Ferri)
 - And now something completely different: Pyrotecnical Show (Rodrigo Senra)
 - Python Puzzles and Other Curiosities (Gustavo Niemeyer)
 - Content publishing in the PUSH model (Sidnei da Silva)

 I'd like to thank the python developers and the python community in general
 for these outstanding: tool, culture and community.

 best regards,
 Rod Senra

   | )          Rodrigo Senra       <rsenra |at|>                      
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 _(    (|__|]   GPr Sistemas                              
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