Add Properties to Instances?

Martin Miller ggrp1.20.martineau at
Sat Mar 12 15:12:46 EST 2005

So far a couple of people have asked:
> What's the situation in which you think you want different properties
> for different instances of the same class?

Fair enough -- here goes:

Essentially what I'm doing is implementing (yes, yet another ;-)
'enumeration' class using an an approach which involves an instance
factory function which returns a customized version of a predefined
generic '_Enum' class instance.

It does this by first creating an instance of the generic class and
then adds attributes (enumerator ids and corresponding values among
others) to it which are specific to the enumeration being created. This
all works pretty well, but I would like to make the values associated
with the ids immutable -- through normal means, at least.

It's not feature complete, but I would be happy post the current code
if there is interest in more of the details. Meanwhile, I'm going to
study the replies so far and think about the whole issue (and design) a
little more.

Thanks to all who have replied,

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