Python becoming less Lisp-like

Antoon Pardon apardon at
Mon Mar 21 03:42:41 EST 2005

Op 2005-03-18, Bengt Richter schreef <bokr at>:
 [ ... ]
> BTW, I would like a re-assign or find-and-rebind operation spelled ":=" which would
> make x := 123 mean look for x as if to read its value in a right hand side expression,
> (except do not look into __builtins__) and wherever found, rebind to 123 -- and if not found,
> raise an exception.
> I think var := 'something' would be a useful substitute for the idiom of
> var[0] = 'something' and be unambiguous.
> ":=" as an operator could combine like <op>= if desired, so we could write
>     var +:= some.long.expression[that].you('do')**
> instead of
>     _ = some.long.expression[that].you('do')**
>     var +:= _  # meaning var := var + _
> or such.

Well you have my support for this. But I have the impression this
differs from the previous time you came up with a similar idea.
If IRC your previous proposal limited the search to the local
scope, making a := b equivallent to something like a; a = b.

I must say I like your current idea better.

Antoon Pardon

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