Python Debug logging

gf gf unknownsoldier93 at
Tue Mar 15 22:32:40 EST 2005

Is there a simple way to log to a debug console in

In .NET, you can Debug.Write(str), which does nothing
if there is no debug console open, but, if there is,
debugs the message.  Is there something similar?

Alternatively, is there a very simple log4j type
setup?  I emphasize very simple, since, for me, having
to go through all the log4j xml configuration defeats
the purpose of coding quickly in python anyway... I'm
looking for something along the lines of log4p(DEBUG,
str) and then just a one line config somewhere
log4p.DEBUG=stderr or =/dev/null

Anything like this?

PS Please cc me on all responses, muchos gracias

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