Jigsaw solver

Tim Churches tchur at optushome.com.au
Wed Mar 2 01:17:48 EST 2005

mensanator at aol.com wrote:

>Tim Churches wrote:
>>mensanator at aol.com wrote:
>>>ObPuzzle: how did I "damage" the image?
>>You created a mirror image.
>Damn. Too easy.
There is another explanation for the rapidity with which your brain 
teaser was solved, but modesty prevents me from mentioning it.

>>The system can be made resistant to that problem by only allowing
>>palindromic messages to be encoded, such as "Madam I am Adam.", 'Able was I ere I saw Elba." and "Named under a ban, a bared nude man."
>Why couldn't they simply encode your input as a palindrome?
>   Input: Mary had an aeroplane
>Encoding: Mary has an aeroplaneenalporea na dah yraM
I should have been more precise and said "natural language palindrome", 
the rules for which promulgated by Martin Gardiner of Scientific 
American fame are that capitalisation, whitespace and punctuation are 
ignored and that each word must be a recognised  word or commonly used 
proper noun in the target language (and it must read the same forwards 
and backwards).

I wonder, do ideographic languages have palindromes?

>>No doubt it is patented to death by Xerox.
>Has that ever stopped anybody?
Ask the Xerox legal department.

Tim C

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