Python interpreter error: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'tuple' and 'int'

Rakesh rakesh_usenet at
Tue Mar 29 20:48:15 EST 2005

To quote a much smaller trimmed-down example, here is how it looks

import sys

## --------------------------------------------
## --------------------------------------------
def GenerateList():
    array = ' '
    for i in xrange(10):
        array = (array, i)
    return array

## -----------------------------------------------
# Entry Point to the whole program
## -----------------------------------------------
def main():
    mylist = GenerateList()
    minnumber = min(mylist)
    for num in mylist:
        print num - minnumber
        ## TODO: Interpreter errors above.

## --------------------------------
# Entry-point to the whole program
## --------------------------------

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