optparse alternative

Steven Bethard steven.bethard at gmail.com
Mon Mar 14 11:47:57 EST 2005

Henry Ludemann wrote:
> I've been writing an optparse alternative (using getopt) that is at a
> stage where I'd be interested in people's opinions.

Some more detailed comments:

* The more I think about it, the more I like that you're basically 
constructing options to match a function signature.  But I can imagine 
that this might be too restrictive for some uses.  It might be worth 
having an alternate interface that provides an options object like 
optparse does.

* Any reason why you aren't using new-style classes?

* I think the code would be easier to navigate in a single module.

* Your code alternates between underscore_names and camelCaseNames. 
Might be better to stick with one or the other.  (PEP 8 suggests the 

* File specific comments:

Drop the get_name method; name attribute is already accessible.  (The 
property builtin makes getters and setters generally unnecessary.)

Drop the get_param_name method; param_name attribute is already accessible

__init__ should have defaults where applicable (e.g. the comments say 
you can provide None for short_flag, but it doesn't default to this). 
Should also probably produce an error if neither short_flag nor 
long_flag is set.  (Or do this in Command._add_options)

In get_value, use "self.argument is None" not "self.argument == None".

get_flag_name should default to long_flag, not short_flag

add_flag should call _validate_param_name *before* _add_options (in case 
an exception is raised and caught).

In _get_params,
     for arg_index in range(len(method_args)):
         arg = method_args[arg_index]
could be replaced with
     for arg_index, arg in enumerate(method_args):

Can you use the (standard library) textwrap module instead?  Seems like 
they do about the same thing, but I haven't looked in too much detail.

Hope these comments are at least marginally useful. ;)


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