Unicode BOM marks

John Roth newsgroups at jhrothjr.com
Tue Mar 8 10:52:18 EST 2005

""Martin v. Löwis"" <martin at v.loewis.de> wrote in message 
news:422cf441$0$12162$9b622d9e at news.freenet.de...
> Francis Girard wrote:
>> Well, no text files can't be concatenated ! Sooner or later, someone will 
>> use "cat" on the text files your application did generate. That will be a 
>> lot of fun for the new unicode aware "super-cat".
> Well, no. For example, Python source code is not typically concatenated,
> nor is source code in any other language. The same holds for XML files:
> concatenating two XML documents (using cat) gives an ill-formed document
> - whether the files start with an UTF-8 signature or not.

And if you're talking HTML and XML, the situation is even worse, since
the application absolutely needs to be aware of the signature. HTML might
have a <meta ... > directive close to the front to tell you what the 
is supposed to be, and then again, it might not. You should be able to 
on the first character being a <, but you might not be able to. FitNesse, 
example, sends FIT a file that consists of the HTML between the <body>
and </body> tags, and nothing else. This situation makes character set
detection in PyFit, um, interesting. (Fortunately, I have other ways of
dealing with FitNesse, but it's still an issue for batch  use.)

> As for the "super-cat": there is actually no problem with putting U+FFFE
> in the middle of some document - applications are supposed to filter it
> out. The precise processing instructions in the Unicode standard vary
> from Unicode version to Unicode version, but essentially, you are
> supposed to ignore the BOM if you see it.

It would be useful for "super-cat" to filter all but the first one, however.

John Roth
> Regards,
> Martin

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