pyopengl and py2exe

Kirill Kuvaldin kuvaldin at
Mon Mar 21 12:01:30 EST 2005

Hello All!

My program in python uses PyOpenGL and I need to convert it to a
standalone windows executable file.

Following to these instructions 
( I've put
PyOpenGL package to a directory where my program was placed.
and run the script: py2exe --excludes=OpenGL

but it prints such error messages:
*** copy extensions ***
copying C:\Python23\DLLs\_sre.pyd -> C:\cg\dist
*** copy dlls ***
copying C:\Python23\w9xpopen.exe -> C:\cg\dist
copying C:\WINNT\system32\python23.dll -> C:\cg\dist
setting sys.winver for 'C:\cg\dist\python23.dll' to 'py2exe samples'
copying C:\Python23\lib\site-packages\py2exe\run.exe -> C:\cg\dist\hello.exe
The following modules appear to be missing
['OpenGL.GL', 'OpenGL.GLE', 'OpenGL.GLUT']



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