Python becoming less Lisp-like

Ville Vainio ville at
Thu Mar 17 02:58:00 EST 2005

>>>>> "Mike" == Mike Meyer <mwm at> writes:

    Mike> The real problem is that newbies won't know which features
    Mike> are "meta" features best left to experts, and which features
    Mike> are ok for everyday programmers to use.

I suppose that a typical lazy newbie will just skip metaclasses and
descriptors on the grounds of not understanding them immediately. It's
the 'quest of guruhood' phase when novices start browsing wikis and
obscure python-dev discussions to find out how these things work. All
the documentation I've seen regarding these features mentions that the
user probably doesn't need to know about them; this is especially true
for metaclasses.

Ville Vainio

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