Python becoming less Lisp-like nytimes at
Tue Mar 15 21:33:18 EST 2005

Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
> a écrit :
>>> I looked for a new language for my hobby programming.  I used to use
>>> Turbo Pascal for 10 years and then C++ for 6 years.  A couple of
>>> weeks ago, I narrowed my decision to C#, Ruby, and Python.  At the
>>> moment, I want to go with Python, but you can definitely see that
>>> it's the oldest one: Many parts of its syntax are awkward and look
>>> like patchwork.
>> You mean you think Ruby syntax is less awkward then Python ?
> It is actually. Ruby's syntax is mostly consistent and coherent, and 
> there is much less special cases than in Python.

Really, well I must be wrong. Each to his own opinion then.

> Now it's also much more difficult to grasp Ruby for programmers coming 
> from procedural languages, but that's another story.

So being more consistent and coherent means being more complex ? I'm 
glad python worried about the complex part before the consistent and 
conherent part.

>> Maybe you should add Perl to your list of languages to learn 
>> especially after your complaints about the decorator syntax.
> I guess you stopped your exploration of Ruby at the first sign of 
> 'special chars' syntax.

well not really. I stopped when it started to look to much like perl. I 
hate too much punctuation in syntax. I quite like the @ in ruby better 
then the self in python though, but at the end of the day, i don't 
really care that much whether it's an @ or a self.

> I don't like Perl, I still prefer to use Python (over Ruby) for a number 
> of good and less good reasons, but I somewhat share Fernando's (and some 
> other's people here) concerns about the future of MyFavoriteLanguage.

Fair enough. It seems many people want to trade places with the BDFL. I 
don't. May his god bless him ;-)


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