Overloading the "and" operator

Fredrik Bertilsson fredrik_bertilsson at passagen.se
Sun Mar 13 00:33:14 EST 2005

I am trying to overload the "and" operatior, but my __and__ method is
never called. The code look like this:

class Filter:
	column = ""
	operator = ""
	value = ""

	def __init__(self, col, op, val):
		self.column = col
		self.operator = op
		self.value = val
	def toString(self):
		return self.column + " " + self.operator + " " + self.value
	def __and__(self, other):
		print "And"
		return And(self, other)
class And:
	lFilter = None
	rFilter = None

	def __init__(self, l, r):
		self.lFilter = l
		self.rFilter = r
	def toString(self):
		return "(" + self.lFilter.toString() + ") and (" +
self.rFilter.toString() + ")"

f1 = Filter("name", "=", "Kalle")
f2 = Filter("city", "=", "LA")
andFilter = (f1 and f2)
print andFilter.toString()

What is wrong with this code? The result when I run the script is
"city = LA". The AndFilter is never created.


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