New to programming question

Michael Spencer mahs at
Thu Mar 31 23:17:24 EST 2005

Ben wrote:
> This is an exercise from the Non-programmers tutorial for Python
> by Josh Cogliati.
> The exercise is:
> Write a program that has a user guess your name, but they only get 3
> chances to do so until the program quits.
> Here is my script:
> --------------------------
> count = 0
> name = raw_input("Guess my name. ")
> while name != 'Ben' and count < 3:
>     count = count + 1
>     if name != 'Ben' and count < 3:
>         name = raw_input('Guess again. ')
>     elif name == 'Ben' and count < 3:
>         print "You're right!"
>     else:
>         print 'No more tries.'
> ----------------------------------
> Everything works except the line:  print "You're right!"
> Could someone tell me what is wrong 

The code within the while loop (i.e., everything indented) is executed only if 
the while condition is true, i.e., name != Ben and count < 3

So name == 'Ben': will always be false and "You're right!" will never get printed

and give me a better alternative to
> what I came up with.  
Just a hint: you may find a cleaner solution if you separate the tests for name 
from the test for count.

> Thank you 
> Ben


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