PyZeroConf Question

A.M. Kuchling amk at
Sun Mar 20 09:37:27 EST 2005

On Thu, 17 Mar 2005 14:48:03 -0800, 
	djw <dwelch at> wrote:
> The list of printers is returned, but every call to getServiceInfo() in 
> the Listener objectresults in a timeout and None being returned.

I suggest compiling Apple's mDNSMonitor and looking at the sequence of
packets.  It seems that some Zeroconf services don't respond to the
.getServiceInfo() calls; maybe that's what's happening here.

> Also, at the end of the list, the code seems to hang.

That makes sense.  The threads that monitor Zeroconf aren't marked as
daemonic, so as long as they're running the main thread doesn't exist.  I've
hacked my copy of to mark the threads as daemonic.


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