python-dev Summary for 2005-02-15 through 2005-02-28

Brett C. bac at OCF.Berkeley.EDU
Mon Mar 7 22:17:12 EST 2005

[The HTML version of this Summary is available at]

Summary Announcements

Status of the candidates
It looks like all three candidates for taking over the Summaries (Tony Meyer, 
Steven Bethard, and Tim Lesher) have agreed to actually do the Summaries 
together.  SO no break in the Summaries and I don't have to agonize over 
choosing a successor.

PyCon Looms
PyCon_ is coming soon!

.. _PyCon:


PEP movements
`PEP 309`_ is now final since the 'functional' module has now been checked into 

.. _PEP 309:

Contributing threads:
   - `PEP 309 enhancements 
   - `PEP 309 

Indices for slices other objects with __int__ not okay
Travis Oliphant asked if it would be possible to patch slicing so that any 
object that defines __int__ could be used.

Guido didn't like this idea, though.  Float, for instance, has __int__ defined. 
  Guido admitted he "unfortunately copied a design mistake from C here".  He 
said he might add a __trunc__ magic method in Python 3000 for objects that 
really can't be viewed as an int but are willing to have data loss to give one.

Contributing threads:
   - `Fixing _PyEval_SliceIndex so that integer-like objects can be used 
   - `Fix _PyEval_SliceIndex (Take two) 

Why can't ``class C(): pass`` be acceptable?
No reason.  =)  So as of Python 2.5 it is acceptable to have empty parentheses 
for class definitions.  It does create a classic class and not a new-style one.

Contributing threads:
   - `Requesting that a class be a new-style class 

What basestring is truly meant for
What is basestring for?  According to Guido it is purely for unicode and str to 
inherit from to help with checks in code where either type is acceptable.  It 
is *not* meant to be used as a base class for any other classes.

Contributing threads:
   - `UserString 

Quickly opening an SF bug/patch in Firefox/Thunderbird
Martin v. Löwis posted a way to use the DictionarySearch_ plug-in for Mozilla 
to launch a browser with the highlighted patch/bug #.  See the email for the 
thread on how to get it to work.

.. _DictionarySearch:

Contributing threads:
   - `Quick access to Python bug reports in Thunderbird 

Optimizing ``x in [1, 2, 3]``
Raymond Hettinger has been trying to teach the peepholer some new tricks to 
optimize ``x in [1, 2, 3]`` and the like into a faster operation.  Initially he 
got it to change the list to a tuple.  He then tried turning the list into a 
frozenset, but that had the unforeseen issue of breaking semantics since it 
then required the object being checked for to be hashable.

So Raymond suggested introducing a SearchSet that tried the comparison as a 
frozenset first, and upon failure of hashing, to old way of just looking at 
each item in the list.

But this seemed like overkill since most lists would be small; probably usually 
under 4 items.  But Fredrik Lundh suggested expanding it to ``x == 1 or x == 2 
or x == 3``.  This seemed like a performance boost when the items of the list 
were lists since the COMPARE_OP opcode special-cases comparing ints.  But for 
other instances it probably isn't worth it unless more special-casing is done 
in the opcodes.

Contributing threads:
   - `Prospective Peephole Transformation 

A DupStore opcode?
Raymond Hettinger suggested a new opcode called DupStore that would replace 
load;store opcode pairs.  Guido questioned if this was leading down a road of 
adding too much extra code for little benefit.

Off this a discussion about speeding up frame allocation, an area viewed as 
needing some optimization, started up.

Contributing threads:
   - `Store x Load x --> DupStore 

Slow unit tests should be distinguished
note:: written by Tony Meyer

Guido clarified that unit tests should distinguish between "regular" tests
and slow ones by use of the unit test 'resource' keys, as a result of Peter
Åstrand asking for comments about `bug #1124637`_, which complained that
test_subprocess is too slow.  The suggested solution was to add another
resource for subprocess, so that generally a quick version would run, but a
longer, more thorough test would run with -uall or -usubprocess.  Along the
way, it was discovered that the reason that Windows already ran
test_subprocess quickly was because there was code special-casing it to be
fast.  The resource solution was checked in, although Windows was left

.. _bug #1124637:

Contributing threads:
    - `[ python-Bugs-1124637 ] test_subprocess is far too slow (fwd) 

Clarification of the '5 for 1' deal
note:: written by Tony Meyer

It seems that the offer that some python-dev'ers have made to review a patch
in exchange for reviews of five (originally ten) other patches is finally
being taken up by various people.  However, python-dev traffic has increased
with patch and bug reviews, and the question was posed whether reviews
should be posted in general, or only for this specific deal.

The answer is that the comments should also be entered via the SourceForge
tracking system, but that a brief message covering a bunch (rather than
individual) of reviews is acceptable for python-dev, at least for now.  New
reports should almost never be posted to python-dev, however, and should be
entered via the tracking system.

This offer isn't official policy, but a reference to it will be added to
Brett's summary of the development process.  However, people should also
remember that it may take developers some time to find time to deal with
reviews, and so have patience after posting their review.

Contributing threads:
    - `discourage patch reviews to the list? 
    - `Some old patches 
    - `Five review rule on the /dev/ page? 

Skipped Threads
+ pymalloc on 2.1.3
+ Exceptions *must*? be old-style classes?
+ subclassing PyCFunction_Type
+ Windows Low Fragementation Heap yields speedup of ~15%
+ string find(substring) vs. substring in string
+ Some old patches
+ Comment regarding PEP 328



This is a summary of traffic on the `python-dev mailing list`_ from
February 15, 2005 through February 28, 2005.
It is intended to inform the wider Python community of on-going
developments on the list on a semi-monthly basis.  An archive_ of
previous summaries is available online.

An `RSS feed`_ of the titles of the summaries is available.
You can also watch comp.lang.python or comp.lang.python.announce for
new summaries (or through their email gateways of python-list or
python-announce, respectively, as found at

This is the fifty-nineth summary written by Brett Cannon (two more to go!).

To contact me, please send email to brett at  Do *not*
post to comp.lang.python if you wish to reach me.

The `Python Software Foundation`_ is the non-profit organization that
holds the intellectual property for Python.  It also tries to advance
the development and use of Python.  If you find the python-dev Summary
helpful please consider making a donation.  You can make a donation at .  Every penny helps so even a
small donation with a credit card, check, or by PayPal helps.

If you are looking for a way to expand your knowledge of Python's
development and inner-workings, consider writing the python-dev
Summaries yourself!  I am willing to hand over the reins to someone
who is willing to do a comparable or better job of writing the
Summaries.  If you are interested, please email me at
brett at

Commenting on Topics

To comment on anything mentioned here, just post to
`comp.lang.python`_ (or email python-list at which is a
gateway to the newsgroup) with a subject line mentioning what you are
discussing.  All python-dev members are interested in seeing ideas
discussed by the community, so don't hesitate to take a stance on
something.  And if all of this really interests you then get involved
and join `python-dev`_!

How to Read the Summaries

The in-development version of the documentation for Python can be
found at and should be used when
looking up any documentation for new code; otherwise use the current
documentation as found at .  PEPs (Python
Enhancement Proposals) are located at .
To view files in the Python CVS online, go to .  Reported
bugs and suggested patches can be found at the SourceForge_ project

Please note that this summary is written using reStructuredText_.
Any unfamiliar punctuation is probably markup for reST_ (otherwise it
is probably regular expression syntax or a typo =); you can safely
ignore it.  I do suggest learning reST, though; it's simple and is
accepted for `PEP markup`_ and can be turned into many different
formats like HTML and LaTeX.  Unfortunately, even though reST is
standardized, the wonders of programs that like to reformat text do
not allow me to guarantee you will be able to run the text version of
this summary through Docutils_ as-is unless it is from the
`original text file`_.

.. _python-dev:
.. _SourceForge:
.. _python-dev mailing list:
.. _comp.lang.python:
.. _PEP Markup:

.. _Docutils:
.. _reST:
.. _reStructuredText:
.. _PSF:
.. _Python Software Foundation:

.. _last summary:
.. _original text file:
.. _archive:
.. _RSS feed:

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