Please help for Python programming

yy0127 at yy0127 at
Mon Mar 21 04:02:22 EST 2005

I don't know why i entered the below code and it will miss some
Anyone can help me???

users = {}
users1 = {}

while 1:
	user, serviceType, msgType, inOut, date, time, numBytes =
	fullmsg = serviceType + "|" + msgType + "|" + inOut
	bytemsg = user + " " + serviceType + " " + msgType + " " + inOut + " "
+ numBytes

	user1 = user

	msgDict = {}
	byteDict = {}

		print bytemsg		# 53 records in source file
		msgDict = users[user]	# get the cum statistics for this user
		byteDict = users1[user1]
		print bytemsg		# 50 records in source file

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