wxPython: accessing wxFrame methods in __del__ fails

Alex VanderWoude nospam at biteme.com
Thu Mar 24 01:21:36 EST 2005

I am attempting to save my window's size and position when it closes.  So I
figured I'd put some code in the __del__() method:

from wxPython import *
class MyWindow(wxFrame):
    def __init__(self, parent, id=wxID_ANY, title=None, style=None):
        # Some stuff here.
    def __del__(self):
        x, y = self.GetPositionTuple()
        width, height = self.GetSizeTuple()
        # Store the values in a file or something.

However, when I run this code I end up with an unhandled exception on the
first line in __del__().  Apparently you can't call GetPositionTuple() (or
GetSizeTuple() for that matter) in __del__().  I'm confused by this, because
I thought that __del__() was called before the object was actually
destroyed.  I can still do a dir(self), so obviously not everything
associated with my instance is gone.  Or does that work because it's part of
the class, not just my instance?  Any insight into this would be greatly

- Alex

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