webserver application (via Twisted?)

Peter Hansen peter at engcorp.com
Fri Jun 24 09:05:53 EDT 2005

flupke wrote:
> I need to program and setup serveral webservices.
> If i were still using jsp, i would use Tomcat to make the several
> applications available on a given port.
> How can i accomplish this in Python?
> I was thinking about Twisted but it's not clear to me what parts i need 
> to make a webserver listen on a certain port and having it serve 
> different application based on the url that i received.
> Any advice on this?

Yes, check the archives for the frequent past nearly identical questions 
and the detailed responses, or do a quick Google search for Python web 
frameworks.  There are perhaps dozens -- though less than a dozen really 
popular ones -- and most will do what you want, going by the most 
general interpretation of your question.  (If you're talking about 
duplicating whatever specific architecture appeals to you in Tomcat, I 
can't help you...)


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