What is different with Python ?

Andrea Griffini agriff at tin.it
Fri Jun 17 02:42:56 EDT 2005

On Thu, 16 Jun 2005 10:30:04 -0400, "Jeffrey Maitland"
<maitj at vianet.ca> wrote:

>Also I think the fact that you think your were diteriating just goes to show 
>how dedicated you are to detail, and making sure you give the right advice 
>or ask the right question. 


Not really, unfortunately. I found not long ago that I used the
very same word eight times in two consecutive sentences, plus
similar words and words with similar endings. Re-reading that
phrase the day later it seemed like something got stuck in my
brain while I was writing that. Sure more or less the idea was
there, and IMO clear enough to be understood, but the form and
the choice of words seemed incredibly poor.
I was curious of this strange fact and I checked out other text
I was writing in that period. What really scared me is that
this word repeating seemed a quite evident problem. This *both*
in italian (my native language) and in english.

Googling for old posts I however found that years ago my
english was even worse than it is now... but this repetition
was not present (not that evident, that is).
Needless to say I spent some hours googling for informations
about this kind of word repetition problem :D

Anyway after some time things got better.

I always thought about our intellect being something "superior"
to this world made of fragile bones and stinking flesh.
However I realized that there's probably no real magic in
it... knowing there are pills to make you happy is sort of
shocking from a philosophical point of view :-)

If you'll see me walking around with an esoskeleton and an
happy face it will mean I tried the chemical approach ;)
(don't try to understand this phrase, either you know what I
mean - and you like dilbert strips - or it can't make sense).


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