How does one write a function that increments a number?

Mandus mandus at
Sat Jun 25 15:31:04 EDT 2005

Sun, 26 Jun 2005 04:14:19 +1000 skrev Steven D'Aprano:
> On Fri, 24 Jun 2005 21:53:03 -0700, anonymousnerd at wrote:
>>   Apologies if this question seems stupid: How does one write a
>> function that increments a value in Python? When I tried, the variable
>> never changed.
>> The session went like this:
>>>>> def incr(counter):
>> 	counter = int(counter)
>> 	counter += 1
>>>>> counter = 1
>>>>> incr(counter)
>>>>> print counter
>> 1
> Why does it need to be a function? Why complicate matters? Isn't it
> simpler to just do this:

I guess he have some reason for it...

it's because python do call by value, not by reference for such simple

If you absolutely want to do this, you can try:

def incr(counter):
   counter[0] += 1

print counter[0]

But I agree with Steven, this is probably not what you want to do :)

Mandus - the only mandus around.

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