Binary numbers

mensanator at mensanator at
Tue Jun 7 20:58:43 EDT 2005

Douglas Soares de Andrade wrote:
> Hi !
> How to work with binary numbers in python ? Is there a way to print a number
> in its binary form like we do with oct() or hex() ?
> Im doing a project that i have to work with binaries and i tired of convert
> numbers to string all the time to perform some operations.
> I searched about it in many places like and google, but not found
> anything useful.
> Thats why im asking this.
> And another question... if python has not a way to do this, why i let me use
> oct(), hex() and not bin() ?
> Thanks for the help !
> --
> Douglas Soares de Andrade
> - dsa at
> UnilesteMG -
> ICQ, MSN = 76277921, douglas at

You might want to try the GMPY module:

>>> from gmpy import *
>>> help(digits)
Help on built-in function digits:

    digits(x[,base]): returns Python string representing x in the
    given base (2 to 36, default 10 if omitted or 0); leading '-'
    present if x<0, but no leading '+' if x>=0. x must be an mpz,
    or else gets coerced into one.

>>> x = 2**32 - 1
>>> print x
>>> print digits(x,2)

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