import via pathname

Steven Bethard steven.bethard at
Mon Jun 20 10:35:29 EDT 2005

passion_to_be_free at wrote:
> I know this is wrong syntax, but I think it demonstrates what I'm
> trying to do:
> import myModule path = /modules/myModule
> import myModule2 path = /modules/myModule2
> Something like that.  Is it possible?

I would put your additional modules into a 'modules' directory with an  For example:

py> os.listdir('.')
py> os.listdir('modules')
['', '', '']
py> file('modules/').read()
py> file('modules/').read()
'name = "module1"\n'
py> file('modules/').read()
'name = "module2"\n'

Then, if you place your python script in the same directory as the 
'modules' directory, you can simply import the additional modules from 
the 'modules' package:

py> import modules.my_module1 as module1
py> import modules.my_module2 as module2

Note that the 'modules' package needs to be at the same directory level 
as your Python module.  If you want your 'modules' directory in a 
different location, you may want to go the way of Thomas Güttler's 
suggestion and modify sys.path.  But I probably wouldn't if you don't 
have to.


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