csv and iterator protocol

Philippe C. Martin philippe at philippecmartin.com
Sat Jun 4 17:53:14 EDT 2005


I have the following working program:

1) I import data in csv format into internal data structures (dict + list)
2) I can export back to csv
3) I can store my internal data using pickle+bz2
4) I can reload it.

Hovever I notice a factor 10 size loss using pickle.

So I would like to bzip/store in csv format but am not certain how to read
the data back as the csv module as described uses a file name in its
constructor. I would like to avoid reading the data and writing it into a
file prior to re-importing it.

Can I initialize csv with input data stored in RAM (ex: a string) ? - so far
I cannot get that to work. Or to rephrase the question, what Python "RAM"
structure supports the "iterator protocol" ?



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