utf8 silly question

Qiangning Hong hongqn at gmail.com
Tue Jun 21 13:14:21 EDT 2005

Catalin Constantin wrote:
> i have the following code:
> c=chr(169)+" some text"
> how can i utf8 encode the variable above ?
> something like in php utf8_encode($var);?!
> chr(169) is the &copy (c) sign !
> 10x for your help !
> p.s.: i tryed using codecs, etc but always get an error message
> like: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xa9 in position 0...

ascii can not handle chr(169), so you need to use some other encoding to
make unicode string first, such as latin-1.

In [1]:c = chr(169) + ' some text'

In [2]:u = unicode(c, 'latin-1')

In [3]:u8 = u.encode('UTF-8')

In [4]:u8
Out[4]:'\xc2\xa9 some text'

In [5]:print u8
© some text

*NOTE*: At the last statement "print u8" I can print a UTF-8 string
directly because my console is UTF-8 encoding.  On your machine the
&copy sign maybe not show.

Qiangning Hong

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