Running Python scripts under W2K with I/O redirection

vincent wehren vincent at
Sat Jun 25 02:26:36 EDT 2005

<sub1ime_uk at> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
news:1119629947.977882.174830 at
|I apologise if this is a well known problem. I've searched and can't
| find a clear description or fix. Hope someone can help.
| I am running my Python scripts under Windows 2000 using Python 2.4
| Build 243 from Activestate.
| If I want to specify a file as standard input to my script I can just
| enter a command like:
|  H:\> file.inp
| and that's what I get. All ok so far.
| However if I enter commands like:
|  H:\> type file.inp |
| or
|  H:\> < file.inp
| It doesn't work. I've also tried the variant of parsing for a command
| line argument of '-' or 'filename' and then specifically either copying
| the sys.stdin file object or opening the file specified, then using
| that file object. Same problem.
| Interestingly enough, if I specify my commands as:
|  H:\> type file.inp | python
| or
|  H:\> python < file.inp
| It all works the (unix-like) way I wanted it to. This leads me to
| suspect there is something wrong in the way that Python is being
| invoked by Windows in my problem situation rather than an inherent
| fault within Python itself.

Your suspicion is correct



Vincent Wehren

| Does anyone have any idea what the problem could be and how to fix it?
| I know its a really minor niggle but it'd make this poor deprived
| unix-guy-forced-into-windows-servitude very happy.
| Thanks,  sub1ime_uk
| sub1ime_uk (at) yahoo (dot) com

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