ANN: ActivePython 2.4.1 for Mac OS X is now available!

John Abel jabel at
Tue Jun 7 11:17:20 EDT 2005

Trent Mick wrote:

>Today ActiveState is announcing support for Mac OS X.  I'm happy to
>announce that ActivePython 2.4.1 for Mac OS X is now available for free
>download from:
>This brings the number of free ActivePython platforms to four -- with
>the existing Linux, Solaris and Windows free downloads.
>Meanwhile, some of you may be interested to know that we are busily
>working on bringing Komodo to Mac OS X. We expect to offer a beta in
>August and release later this year.
>To keep up-to-date with our Mac OS X progress, betas and announcements,
>we invite you to join our new mailing list:
>    osx-announce at
>You can join the OS X announce list on the ActiveState Programmer
>Network (ASPN):
>What is ActivePython?
>ActivePython is ActiveState's quality-assured binary distribution of
>Python.  Builds for Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris and Windows are made freely
>ActivePython includes the Python core and core extensions (zlib 1.2.1,
>bzip2 1.0.2, bsddb 4.2.52, Tk 8.4.9, and Tix 8.1.4) and is fully
>compatible with other Python distributions of the same version.
>ActivePython also includes a wealth of Python documentation, including:
>- the core Python docs;
>- Andrew Kuchling's "What's New in Python" series;
>- the Non-Programmer's Tutorial for Python;
>- Mark Pilgrim's excellent "Dive into Python"; and
>- a snapshot of the Python FAQs, HOWTOs and PEPs.
>Once installed on the Mac, you can find the ActivePython documentation
>    /Library/Documentation/Help/ActivePython 2.4 Help/index.html
>An online version of the docs can be found here:
>Thanks, and enjoy!
>Trent, Python Tech Lead
Komodo for OSX?  Now that's something I would be interested in purchasing.


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