COM problem .py versus .exe

Tim Golden tim.golden at
Wed Jun 29 07:35:56 EDT 2005

[Tim Golden]
| [Greg Miller]
| | I didn't have this problem on the 
| | first release
| | as we weren't interested in displaying the file version of the .dll.
| | With this improved version of the product the request has 
| come down to
| | have all software package versions displayed, so that is 
| why I am now
| | attempting to extract the file version of the dll.  Thanks again for
| | everyone's assistance.................
| There was some talk a while back about including the win32
| calls to get file versions into the pywin32 packages. Might
| be worth checking to see if it's happened. Or using ctypes,
| of course. If WMI is this much trouble, and only for this one
| piece of info, definitely worth looking elsewhere.

In fact, check out the win32api.GetFileVersionInfo function.

import os, sys
import win32api

win32api.GetFileVersionInfo (os.path.join (sys.exec_prefix, "python24.dll"), "\\")

You'll have to look in the demos directory for examples
and in the docs, but maybe this will save you a bit of grief.


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