zipfile + symlink..

A. Murat Eren meren at
Thu Jun 23 16:43:30 EDT 2005


 I have a problem about zipfile.

 I'm trying to add files from local file system into a zip file via zipfile 
module of python.. I have a function in my class which recursively adds files 
or dirs into zip:

    def add_file(self, fileName):
        """add file or directory to a zip file"""
        if os.path.isdir(fileName):
   + '/', '')
            for f in os.listdir(fileName):
               self.add_file(fileName + '/' + f)
            if os.path.islink(fileName):
                dest = os.readlink(fileName)
      , dest)
                #do something here to set 'fileName's attributes
                #to write it as a symlink into the zip
      , fileName, zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)

 But here is a problem raising for symlinks (at the commented section of the 
code passage).. If i don't perform any special process for symlinks in the 
function, function produces zip files without symlinks, naturally; symlinks 
become regular files with the 'dest' content.. I have to set the attribute of 
the symlinks in the zip to make them a real symlink for the 'dest', how can i 
do that?

 Any help or idea would be great..

 Best regards,

- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -
 A. Murat Eren
 meren at
 7BCD A5A1 8101 0F6D 84A4  BD11 FE46 2B92 527D 7293
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 Alan Cox sounds as if he hasn't followed the
 development of programming languages
 and compilers for the last 10 years (exa).
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