When someone from Britain speaks, Americans hear a "British accent"...

Mark Lawrence breamoreboy at aol.com
Thu Jun 30 14:16:01 EDT 2005

muldoon wrote:
> Americans consider having a "British accent" a sign of sophistication
> and high intelligence. Many companies hire salespersons from Britain to
> represent their products,etc. Question: When the British hear an
> "American accent," does it sound unsophisticated and dumb?
> Be blunt. We Americans need to know. Should we try to change the way we
> speak? Are there certain words that sound particularly goofy? Please
> help us with your advice on this awkward matter.

I believe that all Americans should learn at least one British accent,
so start with one in Welsh or Gaelic, once they've mastered this then
try English.

Kindest Regards.

Mark Lawrence.

p.s. this is why I love c.l.py.

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