OOP help needed incorporating existing modules in class

Peter Hansen peter at engcorp.com
Thu Jun 30 23:56:04 EDT 2005

Koncept wrote:
> I want to incorporate the datetime and other modules into my class. I
> am new to Python and would really appreciate some help doing this.
> class FooBar:
>    def getDate(self):
>       return <datetime.datetime.ctime()>
> ^^^ how do I do something like this?

Um.... have you read the tutorial yet?  It sounds like you might not 
even be aware of the purpose of the "import" statement.  Either that or 
I'm misunderstanding the question, because the above code works fine in 
principal if you've imported the datetime module first.  (The above code 
is probably incorrect in the specifics of the call to ctime(), but 
reading the documentation for "datetime" after you've learnt the basics 
of Python should solve that.)


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