Annoying behaviour of the != operator

Robert Kern rkern at
Wed Jun 8 17:19:18 EDT 2005

Jordan Rastrick wrote:

> Mahesh raised the argument some posts back that Python should not 'just
> guess' what you want. But the problem is, it *already does* - it
> guesses you want object identity comparison if you haven't written
> __ne__. But if __ne__ is not provided, than the negation of
> a==b
> is *surely* a better guess for a != b than the negation of
> a is b

The problem arises that, in the presence of rich comparisons, (a == b) 
is not always a boolean value, while (a is b) is always a boolean value. 
I *would* prefer that (a != b) raise an error when __ne__ isn't 
provided, but such is life until 3.0.

Robert Kern
rkern at

"In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
  Are the graves of dreams allowed to die."
   -- Richard Harter

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